Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim

Saturday, September 30, 2006

i'Ve been charMedd!!! Well, aLways haVe beeN leeeh.. *hiaKhiaKhiaK* can'T beLieve tat it'S beeN yeaRz & i duN get boRed waTching diS seriEs seaSon aFter seaSon.

waD caN i saY...i luRveee maGic. (",) YeaH..nOW itz shOWing on C/h/a/N/n/e/L 5..but weLL..i've waY watcHed it earLy diS yeaR. kweKwekwe.. =P kiNda saD taT d seRies finaLLy enDed, aFter 8 seaSoNz.

leT's taKe a peeK @ hOw d whoLe tinG enDed. iTs goNNa b a spoiLer fEr thOse wHO r foLlowing d shOw nOw. So, cLick @ ur owN risK hOrr!! duN saY i didN't warN you! *ahaKzzz*

aWwww..cHooo cHuweeT. DeR's maGic everywhEre in liVe..juZ goTTa lOok feR it @ d ryT pLaces.. =D

LooKz liKe i'D b geTting d DVDs fer d seRies..kweNg kweNg kweNg.. (='o'=)

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 2:02 AM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

i haVe to eternaliSe dis doWn heRe. suCh a geM!!

reMemBEr thOse daYz wheN u uSed baLLooNz as voLLeybaLLz? n u shOuted "pirIng terbaNg" & suMmersaULt berpusiiinGGGG!!!!"???

hiaKhiaKhiaK..wHo caN forGet ryT? sucH a cLassiC!

MoerO attaCk!! tiGht shOrtz, seXy bUttz, funKy teaM jerseYz.. & oF koS, wHo caN forGet d transLatiOnz in hiGh-piTched voiCes!! =P n yeaH..d coAcH is reaLi2 kiUUttTt!! *oggLe2* HAHA!

wE shUD raLLy fOr rTM 1 to sCreeN it agaiN, maNz!!

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 9:51 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

kOreaN feVerrrrr....


i tiNk weN u pUt loVe + pendiNg deaTh viA tErminaL iLLness iN a koreaN moVie... iT's a sURe teaR-JerKer..


d meN r sOOO eLigiBle & sWoon-aBle!! *hiaKhiaKhiaK*

n i waTched boTh bacK to baCk..reaLi oVerdOse of teaRz & aWww-inG-neSs!!

::miLLionaire's ferSt lurVe::

feaT hYeOn-bIn & Lee yeOn-Hee. yeS, hYeoN-Bin. d One in mY loVelY saMsOon. (",)

he goT her to dyE his fiNgerz...*oggLe2*

sHe had hiM tiLL d 1st snOw...n sHe weN awaY, peacefuLLy.. tsK..tsK..

::Now & foreVer::

feaT. Jo Han-seon & Choi Ji-woo. Now, how ofTen dO u geT 2 sicK (literaLLy) peoPle in lurVeee wiF eacH otHer? woUld it b leSs painfuL if i leFt b4 U, noW?

a PlaybOy coNverTed. neW conviCtiOn in loVe & d liMited tiMe lIFe's giVing hiM.

wouLd i oR we b taT stroNg to liVe liFe wIf zesT wiF deaTh ryT outsiDe our dOorsteP? woUld i smiLe & laFF, raTher thaN gLoat in despaiR?

waNNa waTch? u Noe wad to Do.. *heEheEe*

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 2:04 AM


neWbiez in d hoUse:

  • americaN dreaMz (feaT. maNdy Moore, denniS quaiD & hugh graNt)
  • nOw & forever (koreaN)
  • draGon tiGer gaTe (chiNese actiOn fLick)

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 1:39 AM

idOl feVer cOming to aN enD. Not taT i reLigioUsly foLLowed thRu' d whOle seasOn....i dO hoPe my $3 oN hadY mirZa wiLL b werthwhiLe.. HiakhIaKhiaK.. *griNzz*

"yOu giVe mE winGz" bY hady mirZa. i LoiKeeee... mucH2 beTta renditioN deN jOn's.

UndeciDed, mY sisTer saiD: "kaLau dia puaSa, dier meNang." ie. "iF he fasTed, he wiLL win." *ahaKzz*

we'LL see toMorroW. maY d besT maN wiN. heEe.


Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 1:34 AM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

[w/a/L/t d/i/s/n/e/y-Like + inspiratioNal + truE muVees]

::d roOkie (feaT. deNNis quaid)
::d miracLe (feaT. kurt russeLL)
::d greaTest game eVer pLayed (YET 2b watchEd. gawD.)
::d miracLe wOrker
::remember d tiTanz (feaT. denzeL washington)
::gLory roaD
::ice priNcess
::dreaMer (feat. daKota faNNing & kurt russeLL)
::cindereLLa maN (feat. russeL croWe & reNee zeLLweGer)
::country of my skuLL (feaT. samueL L.jackSon & juLiette binoChe)
::hard baLL (feat. keaNu reeVes)
::waLk d Line
::beyoNd d seA (feaT. keVin spaceY)
::eriN broKovicH (feaT. juLia roBerts)
::tucK everlastinG
::daWn aNna
::mad hoT baLLrooM
::a gentLeman's gaMe
::bLue crusH
::mona Lisa smiLe

[actiOn + fLickzz]

::eLektrA (feat. Jennifer garNer)
::tranSporter II
::d pHantom
::maN on fiRe
::d manchuriaN candidaTE
::After d sunSet
::d coNstant gardeneR
::roMeo muZ diE
::d I insiDe

[foreiGn fiLmz]

::d cLassiC (koreaN)
::miLLionaire's 1st loVe (koreaN)
::saLaam namaSte (hinDi)
::kriSsh (hindI)
::faNaa (hindI)
::a leTTer froM marz (koreaN)
::daisY - a Love taT transcenDs faTe (koreaN)
::LakShya (hinDi)
:: Les cHoristEs (french)
::mY littLe briDe (koreAn)
::a seaSon fOr loVe (koreAn)
::shaLL we daNce (jaPan)
::faciNg windoW (french)
::innOcent stePs (koreaN)
::mY teacHer mr kiM (koreaN)
::d roMantic presidenT (koreaN)
::..inG (koreaN)
::loVe impossibLe (koreaN)
::jaiL breakers (koreaN)
::apriL sNow (korean)
::sPring tiMe (jaPan)
::sueNo (spaNish)
::red shaDow (jaPan)
::u r mY sunshiNe (koreaN)
::d tiGer bLade (thaiLand)
::muNich (gerMan / engLish)
::niGhtwatCh (russiAn)
::warriorzof heaVen & earTh (chiNese)
::seVen swoRdz (chinese)
::maiN preM kI diWani hOOn (HinDi)
::motorcycLe diariEs (spaniSh)
::marryinG d maFia (koreaN)
::toGether (chiNese)
::traVeller's magIcian (nepaL)
::singinG behInd scReen (itaLy)
::d bOW (koreaN)
::cacHe (frenCh)
::crazY first LoVe (koreaN)
::bunGee juMping of theiR owN (koreaN)
::i'V beeN waiTing so Long (freNch)
::aS it iS in heaVen (sWedisH)
::loVe me iF u daRe (freNch)
::viVa LaLdjeriE (frenCh)
::bLack (hinDi)
::3-IroN (koreaN)

[fOr d famiLy +
abOut liFe]

::raisiNg heLen
::shaLL we danCe?
::laDder 49
::in Her shOEs
::jerseY girL
::Bee SeasoN
::d gospeL
::d invisibLe circUs
::we duN live heRe anyMore

[lurVeee.. to meLt d hearT]

::d weddIng daTe
::a Lot liKe loVe
::priDe & prejUdice
::misTress of sPice
::coYote uGly
::d notebOok
::auGgie rOse
::nancY & fraNk - a manHattan lOve storY
::d priNce & mE
::d phanTom of d oPEra

[kLassiKz..zaMan deduLu]

::d horSe whisPErer
::d soUnd of muSic
::daNce wiF me

[ciTer mLayu + inDon]

::miFtaHuL jaMilaH
::hinGga huJung nYawa
::berLari ke Langit
::hingga huJung nYawa
::Gk3 - d moVie
::30 haRi mencaRi cinTa

[ePic & waR]

::kinGdoM of heaVen


::cLoud 9
::garDen sTate
::kinKy booTz
::deAth to smOOchy


::d proPhecy uPrisinG

OHMIGAWD. d lisT is not doNe yet. But OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! banyaK nyerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! *faJ fainTz*

iMagine iF aLL theSe CDs r caShed in for theiR originaL vaLue.. daH lepas oNe part of weddiNg expeNse kot?? hiaKhiaKHiak.. *griNzzz*

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 12:58 AM

Monday, September 11, 2006

i shaLL starT by listinG aLL d VCDs taT i haVe. diS i'm Sure is d mOst tryIng tasK becOs:

1) mY VCDS r aLL over d pLace in variOus part of my rOOm; uNder hEre, under theRe, uNder whEre? kReKreKre.. =P
2) i hVe not kePt tracK of wHo haS boRRowed my vcDs; sUm r oN Loan; suM r ka-Poed by hoMo saPienz caLLed famiLy meMberz; suM r goNe & neVa to returN..hahaha.. =P
3) waY toO manY to tracK. suMtymz i impuLse bUy. suMtymz i giVe in to temptatIon. bottoMliNe is i juz BUY! kwaKWaKwa.. *griNzz*

sO..let me attemPt to categorIse & keeP a recoRd of mY vCd coLlectiOn in suBsequent posts foLLowing this. *hiakHiakHiak*

here Goes somethingg...............wHeeEeee~

p/S: nie lah keJe oghaNg2 yang tak bleh tidO maLam minggu nie.. ;o)

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 2:03 AM

Monday, September 04, 2006

oKies..finaLLy..dis bLoggie is uP. deciDed to fiX up d bLog such a long tyM ago.

beinG a muVee cuM VCD buYz cuM vcD renTz buFf, hEre's a spaCe to exPress my feelingz, toTz, whiNez & ratinGz of shOwz/moviEs watChed.

feeL free to sHare ur vieWz & toz as weLL, yeaH?

wiLL b back to uPdate dis spaCe sooN.

meanwhiLe..aLL u goTTa do baBY, is...

W A I T!!!!

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 6:34 PM

whaT? mE?


muVee bUFF.

iMpuLsiVe VCD-HunteR.

mY escaPe.

mY reLieF.

wHere's d Line betweeN pHantasY & faNtasY??

juZ waTch LaaH!

d untoUchabLez

{coLumn's especiaLLy feR titLes taT haVe beeN reserved..}

::phantoM of d opeRa::

osTs to lisTen

previEw of piraTes of d carribeaN: @worLd's eNd OST"

paSt staGinGz

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

feLLow aRtistZ

seNiman maNa?
i jUz waNder..
aNa's hornY!
sLacker iNah
huMaira's reeL werLd
cOme, rediscOver!


Designer Eric Sim
Pictures Foto Decadent
Brushes and Textures Hybrid Genesis, Misprinted- Type, and Eric Sim
Pattern Squidfingers