Thursday, October 26, 2006
feaRing Love anYone? =P i lurVeee yOu-tuBing fOr koreaN muVees & draMa seriEs. diS oNe's froM 'Love-PhobiA' starriNg CHO SeuNg-woo and KANG Hye-jUng. cHooo ChuWeeTzzz... as usuaL... koreaN lurVe muVeez neBer faiL to moVe d heaRt. *griNzz* 'Love-phobiA' iS aBout tiMeless Love; taT loVe is Oso abouT rememBraNce despitE loVed oNes noT beinG physicaLLy preseNt. d muVee teLLz oF aRi & jO-kaNg wHo r chiLdhooD switheaRtz. arI's an orpHan, whOse parenTz diEd in a car accideNt in whicH she was invoLved tOo. d bLood transfusiOn post-acciDent caUSed her to contraCt aiDz. sHe hiDez d iLLness frOm jo-Kang & teLLz hiM taLL taLez, which he beLieveZ. tyM & aGain. she disaPpearZ & briNgz herseLf awaY froM Jo-Kang. Jo-Kang waiTz n waiTz fer her retUrn desPite noT knOwiNg wheRe Ari haS goNe off tO. d mUvee enDz wiF Ari beIng taKen awaY by a 'sPace-shiP'. iTz sumwaD an anaLogY of her goiNg off to a beTTa pLace dUe to her iLLness. suCh a sUweeT muVee. enjOy d musiC videO of d mUvee suNg by 1 of my faV koreaN gruP - fLy 2d skY & suM laDy sinGer. (",) Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at
Thursday, October 05, 2006
a mUvee abOut a deaf & duMb young maN whO beLieves in hiS dreaM of pLaying crickEt for inDia's nationaL teaM. thuMbz uP to d leaD actOr foR hiS imPressiVe portraYaL oF a deaF & duMb cricKet fanatiC. i wouLd say dis muVee is inspirationaL as it surFaces d theMe of convictiOn & faitH in oNe's dreaMs. desPite wHatever oDdz thaT caMe his waY ie. faTher opposiNg iqbaL's lurVe for cricKet; beeN dismissEd froM d crickEt academY 'coS he waS way tOO pooR pLus beinG deaF & duMb, iqbaL singLe-heartedLy achiEved his dreaMs throUgh his owN effOrtz. famiLy reLationshiPs & lurVe, sociaL discrimiNation in terMs of cLasses & metamorpHosis arE amOng otHer theMes in d fiLm. (",) greaT watch fer d whoLe familY! Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at |
whaT? mE? 25. muVee bUFF. iMpuLsiVe VCD-HunteR. mY escaPe. mY reLieF. wHere's d Line betweeN pHantasY & faNtasY?? juZ waTch LaaH! d untoUchabLez ::phantoM of d opeRa:: osTs to lisTen previEw of piraTes of d carribeaN: @worLd's eNd OST" paSt staGinGz September 2006October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 feLLow aRtistZ ceTpotzseNiman maNa? i jUz waNder.. aNa's hornY! sLacker iNah huMaira's reeL werLd cOme, rediscOver! credits Designer Eric SimPictures Foto Decadent Brushes and Textures Hybrid Genesis, Misprinted- Type, and Eric Sim Pattern Squidfingers |