Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

~Lost? geT on the gridirOn~

~ Most sixteen/seventeen year old kids, they make a bad choice. Something gets broken, they screw up in class, hurt somebody's feelings, show up at the prom drunk. They get sent to the Principal office, have their car keys taken away or get grounded. Then there's kids that make a bad choice, somebody ends up shot dead in a parking lot. Those kids get sent here. ~
Sean PortEr abOut caMp kiLpatriCk

inspiratioNal muvees of diS kinD ofteN intriGue me. rememBer d titaNs, coacH carter, hard baLL, d miracLe. moST oF tHese muvees teLL a stoRy oF 'losT liVes', undyiNg efforT & cOmmitmenT to heLp transForm d liVes of otHers & beLief in one's oWn seLf.

juveniLes senT to camp kiLpatricK, moSt of d youThs senT and detaiNed there are "losers" weN they caMe.

"aLL of you are Losers; you are Lost. once you are on d gridirOn, you do it my waY. Your waY got you heRe.": i caN't rememBer d exacT werds seaN potter, oNe of d counseLor in d caMp turnEd footbaLL coacH said. but these werds capTure d gisT of it. @soMe poiNt in our youtH, suM of us were Lost weren't we? be it on d extreMe ryT, extremE lefT or d in betweeNs of d moraL scaLes of sociEty.

Based on a truE story, seaN potter set out to giVe d youths sumting to strive foR in d forM of footbaLL (aka rugbY). sicK & tired of havinG youths going iN & out of such detentioN camps of goiNg in & endinG up dead in d streeTs, seaN poRter, together wiTh his coLLeague, malcoLm mooRe, deciDed to do sumtiNg aboUt the 75% recidivisM raTe amoNg d juveniLes. heNce, d m-U-s-t-a-N-g-S were BorN.

thru's footbaLL, seaN & malcoLm taught d boyS characTer; taught theM to accepT & coPe wif defeaT; tauGht theM teamwerk withOut differentiatinG whiCh street gaNg they come froM anD most importantLy, instiLLed in theM a senSe of esteem & achieveMent. sLowlY, but sureLy.. unknowingLy, d bOYs begaN to feeL themseLves metamorpHosise.

we'rE aLways toKking & worryiNg abouT hOw certaiN factiOns of our youtHs are wasTed. i tinK we shOuLd be tenkful thaT deY are not roaming d streeTs & exchanginG gun firEs wiF each otHer as iT is in d wesT.

easT & wesT cultures seT asiDe, d whoLe idea is beLieving that sucH youtHs haVe d capabiLities to chaNge. if onLi maNy more beLieved, learN to forgIve & let Go anD deN haVe an undyinG spirit to guiDe... perhaPs leSs of ouR youtHs wouLd b wasTed. it onLy takes oNe or two heaDs to chaNge waD was wasTed intO a lifetiMe of possibiLitieS.

besT performaNce bY 'tHe roCk' so faR, diS is definiteLy a muVee that wiLL movE d heart. maKes me wonder iF our socieTy haS maNy of sucH souLs whO beLieve & see d guD in otHers wiF sUch convictIon.

n oF koS, in heLping otHers discOver theMseLves..we'Re taKen on a triP of seLf-discOvery as weLL... (",)

i waNna haVe my oWn griDirOn... nO, not to griLL anY fiSh or chicKen.. but to griLL & werK d stubborN youtHs, caN? =P

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 9:10 AM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

iS truTh jusT an iLLusioN?

i tooK the afternOon oFF yesterdaY. haD soMe free tyM in my haNds as an appoinTment was canceLLed. heNce, i deciDed to treat my eyeS to soMe iLLusioNs @ d ciNema.

fiRst, i muZ saY thaT edwaRd nortOn's reaLLy kiUt wiF his bearD & astouNding acceNt & loVelorN eyEz.. *griNzz*

sEt in d capitaL of vieNna in tyMz weN there weRe monarcHs & ducHesseS, d iLLusiOnisT teLLs d taLe of a rekindLed lOve betWeen a peasaNt turNed iLLusioNist, EisenHeim & aN aristocraT, soPhie Von TescheN. aS youtHs, their loVe was forBiddeN. eiseNheiM traveLled d werLd & caMe bacK to vieNNa as a faMous iLLusioNist; onLy to discOver thaT hiS reKindLed loVe wiLL be marrieD to d crowN prinCe leopoLd.

d iLLusioN of lurVeee....loVe connecTed thRu' iLLusioNs. iroNy?

in suMMary, d storyLine goEs: boy meeTz gaL; dey faLL in loVe; loVe's forBiddeN; couPle sepaRate. eoNs laTer, theY meeT. deY loVe yet agaiN. there are obstacLes & sumhoW loVe triuMphs.

howeVer, wad intriGued mE d mosT is d twisT d moVie giVes to d pHrase: "Love wiLL overcoMe aLL odDz". yeS, loVe did triuMph. bUt i wunder wHeTher given d circumsTances, it was justifiabLe...

i appLaud d twisT neiL burGer (d directoR & wriTer) giVes to d mOvie's pLot. @d saMe tyM, i thOuGht it reaLLy is kiNda creePy iF u tiNk abOut it twiCe: thaT soMehow d truTh werKz in mysteriOus ways...

in a waY, i thiNk d movie aLso questiOns wHether truTh is juSt a mere iLLusioN...or That sOme truTh exisTs in iLLusioNs...anD perhaPz @tyMz... we are oNly giVen an iLLusioN of wHat d truTh is. GeeZ...

otHer than thaT, i tiNk d vicToriaN looK doesN't suiT jessica bieL (who pLays soPhie). this d besT piC i couLd fiNd of heR in heR priNcessY roLe:

Princess SophiE (jessiCa bieL)

edward noRton as eisenheim: dOesn't d d loNg coaT & misTy atmospHere bear a resembLance to mr darCy in 'Pride & prejudice'?? =P

i lurVedd d loCket he made for soPhie. triEd to finD a stiLL piC of it, but no lucK so faR.

weLL, you couLd cLick HerE to caTch more iLLusioNs. yEs, yoU caN finD d locKet On d siTe as itS d maiN icOn. (",)

~ From the moment we enter this life we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass too quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit? ~

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 10:55 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007

coUntry of my skuLL

spenT lasT sunday lazIng arouNd @ hoMe & restinG. thUS d VCD marathOn caMe into effecT. hurHurhur.

coUntry of my skuLL..its verY EXTREMELy taar-chInng laah (desPite d posT-civiL unresT settinG of d fiLm). pLus waD can go wroNg weN samueL L.jacksOn & juLiette binoChe arE d leadZ in a muVee.

iTz one of thoSe VCDs which i bouGht eoNs agO & not watcHed yeT. i tiNk i'Ve goT a knaCk of purchasiNg non-mainstreaM Vcds ie. muVees not showcaSed in cineMas, feature fiLms, foreign fiLms..etc..etc. sO, dis fiLm's juz oNe of thoSe which i tooK of d CD shOp racK & fiGured its uniqUeness; henCe, the purchaSe.

afriCa, is one country pLagued by tribaL waRz & civiL unresT. we'Ve seen muVees sucH as hoteL rwaNda & constanT gardener wiF afriCa as its backdroP.

baSed on a booK by antJie krOg, country of my skuLL is set against the backdroP of the
TruTh & ReconciliatiOn CommissiOn (TRC) hearinGs. aNna malan (juLiette binOche), an afrikaaNs poeT and LangstoN whitfieLd (samueL L.jackson), an americaN journaList were amOngst thoSe reportinG froM south afriCa. In 1996, the souTh africaN government had forMed the TRC to investigaTe the abUse of its peopLe under the aparTheid repressioN.

d muVee's messaGe is that of forgiVeness. tHe commisioN serVes as a foruM for victiMs to confroNt their perpetratOrs & share their accountz of hurT & torturE. amNesty wiLL b granteD to the perpeTrators upOn d admissiOn of theiR guiLt wiF regards to their actioNs.

trUe accouNtz of victiMs wiLL definiteLy moVe audieNces of d shOw. it aLso oPens uP oNe's eYes to d crueLty of the apartheiD repressiOn & oNe cannot imagiNe that suCh crueLty, vioLence & inhumanity exisTed. aNd yeT, despite aLL tHesE, forGiVeness, stiLL prevaiLed.

persoNally, d muVee maKes me reflect oN my owN opeNness & incLinatiOns to forgiVing otHers and how harD it is sumtymZ to receiVe & bestOw forgiVeness. gEez.. feeL reaLLy, ultimateLy smaLL... =S

wouLd i forgiVe d pasT, preseNt & futuRe, now? *poNder woNder*

~Because of you, this land no longer lies between us but within. It breathes becalmed, after being wounded in its wondrous throat. In the cradle of my skulll it sings, it ignites my tongue. Five thousand stories are scorched on your skin... I am changed forever... Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me... ~
coUntry of my skuLL

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 11:59 PM

Friday, January 19, 2007

::boLLywooD stinT::

curreNt oBsessiOn: hinDi muVees.
faV. hangOut: ShaW jaDe theaTres
reasOn beinG: vaLue for moNey (3hrs shOw for about $10?)
shOws watcHed: dhOom II; baabuL; guRu
dyiNg to watcH: kabuL exPress. bUt it seeMs...cari VCD jer laaaahh!!! =P

waaH..beeN awhiLe siNce i'Ve cauGht anY engLisH muVees. wUnder wuNder..aNy nicE shOws coMing uP??

*faJ ruNz aroUnd d tRee intO d woOdz..n breaKz intO a hindI tUne..*

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 11:59 PM

~Oh caPtaiN, my caPtaiN!~

"They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. "
John Keating in 'Dead Poets Society'

everYoNe shouLd watch thiS shOw. i remeMbereD my eLdest sisTer buyiNg dis mUvee as a videO Tape eOnz agO. aT thaT youNg tender aGe, of coUrse i haD no cLue waD d mUvee was aLL aboUt. weLL, it saT in my TV racK for aGez & coLLectEd duSt. aFter yeaRs of groWing uP & sum yeaRs werKing, i discOvereD thaT this muVee is sucH a geM. uLtRA!!

caRpe diEm!!: an importaNt thRust of d mUvee. As a neW teacHer in an estabLished instituTioN, joHn keatinG (pLayed by roBin wiLLiams) endeaVoured, vIa his creatiVe methOds, to teach his groUp of bOys d vaLue of Life & findinG meaNing in Life itseLf. tHat lIfe is nOt aLL abOut ruLes, rOutiNes. iTz aLso abOut discOverinG new Landz, abOut saVourinG everY breaThe & tHat onLy YOU are in controL of your liFe as Much as yOu aLLow yourseLf to be sO.

sOme of d protagOnists struGGle betWeen regiMent & creativiTy; soMe breaK free froM norMz & expectatiOns to settLe in theiR owN niChes.. sOme froWn @individuaLism, whiLst some breaK fRee, iroNicaLLy, bY endiNg liFe itseLf. tHat, i tHougHt was quite a traGedy fOr d muVee's endiNg.

a mUvee whiCh insPires & @ d same tyM, thOught-provoKing, DPS deserVes hi-5s for its triBute to Life & d messaGes it briNgs acrOss to viewErs. n of kOs, greaT exceLLent quoTes & werDs thrU'out d mUvee.

i heaR u caLL me "oH captaiN, my capTain??" *hee*

"I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
Henry David Thoreau

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 11:50 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

Ya AmPuUUuunn!!!!!!!!!!

jUz reminisCing to moMentz whiLe urs truLy was in indoNesiA and survived d whOle month Der beinG thriLLed by the raTu ngebOr, inuL. i haD a dangdUt partNer beB. dUn praY, praY! =P

adUuh..ngeBor nya itu.. asiK skaLi doOong.. ya aMpUuuuUuunN!!!!!!!!! hwaHwahwaHWahwa..

tidaK maHu, cintaKu.. dikocOk-KocOkk... aaaaHhhhh... *faJ faiNtzz*

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 12:05 AM

Thursday, January 04, 2007

reFlectiOns of d heaRt

weNt to mY sisTer's pLace on new year'S evE ie. hari rayA haJi & stayed oVer; juz sO i couLd catCh d MuVee - HearT. Yes, thaT indoNesian muVee.

teNx to my othEr haLf, i'd reLated d soNg as a "laGu pasar maLam" 'cOS iT wAs overpLayed @ d geyLang Bazaar d
urinG d fastiNg monTh. hiaKz. n yeaH, i kinDa got disgusTed by d soNg lah cos i goT an overdoSe of it teNx to heavy airpLay on d radiO & young nieCes & nepHewz whO keep singinG it.

sO, i toT "hearT' was sUm teeN fLick.

thaT chaNged. in d caR, d musiC on was d Ost of d mUvee. oF kOS, i figUred d kiDz waNted it. heNce, my siS bought it. buT my, mY..i waS attracTed to dis particular soNg. D oNe posted ryT nOw on d rYt coLumn of my bLoggie - "Hari Ini, esOk dan seterusNya" bY niriNa zubir, whO plays d otheR femaLe protagOnist in d mUvee bsiDes acHa.

onLy afTer d muveE did i fuLLy understaNd d deptH of d soNg. kuDos to meLLy goesLaw. simPle werds in d soNg she creaTed, yeT such emOtionz in it.

hari ini dadaku bergetar
terguncang melinu dan mengerang
ku yakin ku tak salah

karna hatiku tak pernah

dan tak kan berdusta



Esoknya ku fikir
rasa itu kan menghilang

dengan seiring waktu

namun ternyata tak berubah

aku makin tergiur pada dirimu



dan seterusnya rasa ini slalu terjadi

dan tak pernah berkurang
hatiku hanya untuk dirimu

aku bahagia hanya bila kamu bahagia

"heaRt", as d titLe suggesTs, is of courSe, abOut matters of d heaRt. i tinK mankiNd maKes many muVees tryiNg to depiCt an understanDing on d comPlexities of lurVee & lurvinG.

watchinG d muvee diD maKe a difference. thO' sum paRtz of d charaCters i finD a bit overboarD in theiR portrayaLz, my heaRt acheD afTer watching d muVee.

n d mOre i lisTen to this soNg, d mOre my heaRt acHes..

unrequiTed loVe...jUz wad would u sacrifiCe to get ur loVe requiteD bY anY meaNz?

oNe lover's triumph, couLd b anOther siLent lover'S greaT Loss...buT that, is a reaLity isN't it? d Love u feeL destiNed 4u maY or may noT b d one pre-destiNed 2b yOurz...



Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 4:32 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007

Let me Make a mentaL note; or raTher bLoggie note to dO suM reviewS or rantiNgz on d foLLowing muVees thaT i've waTched:
  • dead Poetz sOcietY (caRpe diEm!!)
  • mY heaRt (yeS..tHat one thaT goT maNy teeNz & liL' kiDz huMmin' iTs tuNe!)
  • sticK it (get fLexibLe fOr loadZ of juMpin', fLooriN' & poLe actiOn!)
  • a beautifuL miNd (seeinG & heariNg thinGz any1??)
  • uMraO jaaN (waY bacK to courtesaN tyMz in indiA)
  • doN (more SRK actiOn)
  • dhOom 2 (wad More couLd u asK for in a muVee: doubLe drooLing of hrithiK roshaN + abisheK bachaNnnn!!)
  • nyT@d museUm (historY doEs coMe aLive @nyt!)
  • eraGon (d draGon & itz ridEr)
  • hepi feeT (geT readY to daNce & b differeNt!)
  • fLag of our Fathers ( haiL waR muVeesss!!)
  • a gOod year (brinGz u bacK to franCe..maMa miA!!)
hEee..i m sUch a muVee-goiNg freaK & vcD-buyiNg machiNe! daaaAanG!!!

*noT sure iF i sHud fainT or juZ roLL my eYez* hwaHwahwa....

wiLL b bacK sOOn wiF more toTz & piCz.... ;o)

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 11:47 AM

whaT? mE?


muVee bUFF.

iMpuLsiVe VCD-HunteR.

mY escaPe.

mY reLieF.

wHere's d Line betweeN pHantasY & faNtasY??

juZ waTch LaaH!

d untoUchabLez

{coLumn's especiaLLy feR titLes taT haVe beeN reserved..}

::phantoM of d opeRa::

osTs to lisTen

previEw of piraTes of d carribeaN: @worLd's eNd OST"

paSt staGinGz

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

feLLow aRtistZ

seNiman maNa?
i jUz waNder..
aNa's hornY!
sLacker iNah
huMaira's reeL werLd
cOme, rediscOver!


Designer Eric Sim
Pictures Foto Decadent
Brushes and Textures Hybrid Genesis, Misprinted- Type, and Eric Sim
Pattern Squidfingers