Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

nEed suM guD musiC

lasT minute pLan it wAs, but heY, as cheesY as it waS..i enjOyed every moMent of:

dreW barryMore shiNez in lurvEy doVey muVees liKe this! i'M remindeD of 50 1st daTes!

hugH grant pLays Alex fLetcHer, suM guY froM a 80s' baNd caLLed poP tryiNg tO regaiN bacK his popuLaritY. writiNg a soNg for teeN seNsatioN (suM orgasmicaLLy incLined teenaGer: cora corMan) couLd b d tickEt to saLvatioN to his caReer. dreW iS sopHie fisHer, aLex's pLant waterinG ladY whO has talent fOr Lyric-writiNg. alex taLks sophie intO a coLLaboratiOn & togeTher deY proDuceD a wuNderfuL soNg for coRa.

lurVe happeNs, confLict haPpeNs, guY reaLises his mistaKe & theY live happiLy ever aFter. peppEred wiF humOur, lame joKes, cheesi-Ness & swiTness in betweEn...*hee* i lurVe it! i duN care wad d reviEws saY; but i stiLL lurVee it!! ;o)

waD striKes me mosT about dis muVee is d anaLogy of musiC n lyriCs which is aLmost synonyMous to p.ramLee's "andAi dipisaH laGu & irama..". so cLose to d heaRt.

weLL, d loVestruCk wiLL naturaLLy giVe loVestrUck-incLined revieWs. =P iTs so suWeet weN aLex descriBes d meLody as d life of d musiC, d soNg. sophiE reiteraTes to him thaT meLody & musiC is liKe faLLing in loVe. meLody is liKened to d impressioNs one has of d persoN he/sHe is attracteD to; on d otHer haND, lyrics is likeNed to d tyM wen u reaLi get to knoW him/Her, knowinG whaT's deeP insidE of d persoN.

otHer mushY theMes iN d muvee incLude: "i'M incompLete withOut U", "uR loVe haS chaNged mE..", anD not beiNg seLfisH in loVe. (",)

greaT retrO-liKe soUndtracks in d muVee. my faV soNg is oF kos, d oNe on d bLoggiE. i verY much prefeR d muvee versiOn whicH drew sinGs wiF huGh, instead of d one sunG by haLey benneTt & hugh graNt. lyriCs to d soNg can be found HERE.

suM cheesY quOtes frOm d muVee juz for fun:

Alex Fletcher: The best time I've had in the last fifteen years was sitting at that piano with you.
Sophie Fisher: That's wonderfully sensitive... especially from a man who wears such tight pants.
Alex Fletcher: It forces all the blood to my heart.

aLex writeS a soNg for soPhie, "don'T write mE off"; another oNe of my favs;

It's never been easy for me to find the words to go along with the melody
But this time there's actually something on my mind
so please forgive these few brave awkward lines

since I met you my whole life has changed

It's not just my furniture you've rearranged
I was living in the past but somehow you've brought me back
and I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "Relax"

And Now I know based on my record I might not be like the safest bet

All I'm asking you is don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
that I'm happy to live off my so-called full of glories
But you've given me a reason to take another chance
now I need you despite the fact that you've killed all my plants

And Now I know I've already blown more chances than anyone should ever get

All I'm asking you is don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 1:45 AM

Friday, March 09, 2007

~feeLing greeK? watcH 300!~

i mUz saY thaT 300 is oNe oF d besT epic muVees i'Ve watcHed. i'M puttinG all my thumBs uP (& eveN my toEs!) in favOur of thiS muVee. d effecTs & cinematograPhy aRe suPerb!! iTs aLso greaT eye caNdy fOr hiM & her aLike. hurHurhUr. watCh d dispLaY of booBies, muscLuLar arMs & feeT & greaT fashiOn tOo! ;o) maKes me wuNder if d greeKs in ancieNt hisTory WERE indeeD seXy peoPle. heHehe.

300 is a narraTive of d couRage, honour & gLory of 300 spaRtan man whO wenT into battLe with greaT vaLour againSt thoUsands of PersiaNs at the
Hot Gate of Thermopylae. as Free meN, leoNidas, d spaRtan kiNg led hiS armY of 300 meN, spaRtan's finEst warriOrs agaiNst Xerxes, d seLf-procLaimed "goD-kiNG", who haD threateneD to coNquer aLL of greeCe. foR suM1 whO goEs arOund on a LavisH daiS-lie thingY carriEd by sLaves & judginG frOm his voiCe, i thOught Xerxes was raTher gaY. HaAa!

suCh fiNe dispLay of warriOr hOod, battLe formatiOns & wiT in d fiGht sceNes of diS epIc. thOugh i muz saY lah, thaT @ suM parts, i was coVering my eYes & criNging as d sHarp sPears of d spartans wenT thrU' d unfOrtunaTe fLeshes of d persiaNs.

LeoniDas biddinG his queeN, gorGo & his soN, Pleistarchos as he leaVes for battLe..

i lurVe d wiT & humoUr pepPereD in d script of thiS muVee. i especiaLLy loVe leoNidas's wiFe. sHe exuberaTes coNfidencE & a woMan in controL, yeT, suPportiVe of her husBand & his beLiefs. whO caN forGet her exchaNge wiF d persiAn messeNger whO had insuLted hEr worDs: "onLy sparTaN woMen giVe birTh to REAL maN." hurHurHur..

theMes sucH as chiValry, loyaLty, loVe - roMantic & famiLy & legaCies are expLored in thiS wunderfuL reteLLing of cLassicaL-liKe historY. not suRe thoUgh of d accuracY of d hisTory in d mUvee thOugh; but weLL, its a muVee isN't it?

watCh ouT for d 4-MinUte appearanCe of d sexY bOobs-bearinG oracLe, hoT seX btwN leoNidas & his wiFe, gorGo & of koS, meN in battLe in red capes & skimPy loin clOth-Like battLe suiT (haa! iroNy!). u'd enjOy d muVee, i'M sure of thaT!

~We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known.~

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Posted by ~peNgLipuR LaRa~ at 8:12 AM

whaT? mE?


muVee bUFF.

iMpuLsiVe VCD-HunteR.

mY escaPe.

mY reLieF.

wHere's d Line betweeN pHantasY & faNtasY??

juZ waTch LaaH!

d untoUchabLez

{coLumn's especiaLLy feR titLes taT haVe beeN reserved..}

::phantoM of d opeRa::

osTs to lisTen

previEw of piraTes of d carribeaN: @worLd's eNd OST"

paSt staGinGz

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

feLLow aRtistZ

seNiman maNa?
i jUz waNder..
aNa's hornY!
sLacker iNah
huMaira's reeL werLd
cOme, rediscOver!


Designer Eric Sim
Pictures Foto Decadent
Brushes and Textures Hybrid Genesis, Misprinted- Type, and Eric Sim
Pattern Squidfingers